
This blog is for the sole purpose of sharing opinions with you regarding, exercise, fitness, balanced nutrition, bodybuilding and health that you may find helpful. It is just that - opinions and information that have been helpful for me. It is not for the purpose of providing medical information or diagnoses, or in any way to take the place of medical treatment or recommendations by your physician. It is also not for the purpose of providing dietary prescriptions or in any way to take the place of your registered dietician. The information provided here is intended to be broad and helpful. Always consult with your physician before beginning any exercise. Get a physical each year. Know what preventive health measures to take and get them done. Always consult with a registered dietician prior to starting a new nutrition strategy. If you find information that is helpful to you here, please consult with your physician, dietician, coach or other professional before adopting it.

I started this blog in order to share anything that I have found to be true and helpful for me, with the sole purpose of being supportive and encouraging of the fitness journey of others.

When you see lists, links and products on any spot of my blog it is to share with you something that I have found helpful to read, consider, purchase or use in some way. For any product listings, they are the ones that I have purchased with my own money, used, reviewed and recommend. I am not going to put anything on this blog that I haven't used myself or have seen used firsthand. Sometimes you will see review or discussion of specific products and services. They tend to be positive because I'm not going to waste my time or yours by talking about something that isn't helpful or worth a review or recommendation to you.

I am an affiliate for many, but not all of the items that I show as a link within my blog posts, advertisements, lists or discussions. This simply means that I believe in a product enough that after buying it and using it I would recommend it to you. For those that have affiliate programs, I sign up. If you click on a link and purchase an item, I get a small proceed from the sale. This seems like a fair and reasonable way to help support the time that I spend on my blog sharing information. I am also an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. I signed up for the coaching opportunity because I believe in the products. If you choose to use Beachbody products and services, you can click on them through this blog or go to www.getfitwithjimmy.com and I will be assigned as your free coach.

So rest assured, if you see it suggested or recommended here, I've bought it, tried it, I like it and I'm going to let you know if it was helpful to me, since you might also find it helpful for you. I am also very interested in any comments you have, so please leave comments and let's talk! If there is a product you've been wondering about let me know. If I haven't used it, I might just do that and review it.