Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NPC Battle on the Bluff 2013

The date is set and this is an event you won't want to miss. The NPC Battle on the Bluff will be at Goldstrike Casino Resort in Tunica, MS on Saturday June 29, 2013. This competition includes bodybuilding, figure, bikini and physique. The guest poser this year will be Dallas McCarver, the youngest IFBB Pro Bodybuilder in the world. Mark your calendars! If you're a competitor, you are officially 14 weeks out from peak week as of today. You can go to Battle on the Bluff to get your entry form and find out more information. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster if you're supporting a competitor or just want to go see what it is all about. Check it out. It's always a fun event, you can cheer for your favorite competitors, and I'm pretty sure you'll leave there motivated to step it up with your own level of fitness.

When I got really serious with my training in 2008, I was 10 weeks out from Battle on the Bluff, and I decided to do it. Chris Caudy helped me get ready for that competition, and I actually did the NPC Southern Classic in Jackson, MS before Battle. I've learned a lot since that period of time. Competing is not for everyone, but I have found it to be a helpful goal that keeps me focused with my training and eating. When you know you're going to get up on stage in a tiny suit in front of family and friends, it's a little easier to pass up on dessert. I'm in this to stay in shape for my health, so eating well and training smart year round, in anticipation of competition season, is a good way for me to do that.

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